Public Speaking 2

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Course Description

Public Speaking 1 focuses on the fundamentals of speaking confidently in front of an audience.

Public Speaking 2 focuses on advanced speech writing and polished, professional delivery techniques. It is for students, ages 13-19, who have previously taken a public speaking course.

This PS2 course contains 12, LIVE online teaching sessions with Win Heggem. Each ZOOM class session is 90 minutes in length and includes practice drills, speech performances, and printable resources. Students will receive verbal critiques weekly and written evaluations after Showcase presentations. (Time requirement expectation: approximately 2 hours of homework/preparation each week outside of class.)

Key concepts covered include:

  • Spontaneous speaking drills
  • Advanced structure models & outlines
  • Rhetorical devices emphasizing writing for the ear
  • Speech Assignments
    • Declamation
    • Demonstration Speech,
    • Campaign Speech
    • Persuasion
    • Interviews
    • Showcases